ALT 6.13 Public Release Notes (2023-09-27)
User Story Enhancements
Live View Presets
As a user I want to save my Live View to a user preset
Allows users to save Scenario Live View configurations as user presets.
As a admin I want to save my Live View to the default preset
Allows admins to set Scenario Live View default presets.
As a user I want the default preset to be applied by default to new scenarios
Allows users default presets to be applied by default to new scenarios.
As a user I want to be able to apply the user or default preset to the Live View
Allows users to apply user or default presets to the Live View.
Improved Scenario Reporting
As a User I want to export Scenario Results Transaction Summary table to CSV format
Allowing scenario result transaction summary to be exported in a CSV format to enable reporting in tools like Excel.
As a User I want to export Scenario Results Overview table to CSV format
Allowing scenario result overview to be exported in a CSV format to enable reporting in tools like Excel.
Client Side Monitoring
Client Side Monitoring - User-Agent
Improved controls over User-Agent configurations to support Browser and ZebraTester tests.
Add support for User-Agent header to Client Side monitoring for browser tests
Allows passing custom header values to browser tests for Client Side Monitoring.
Security Management & Improvements
Implement password reset token
Password Reset links will now expire after one hour.
Disable inactive users
This change requires that any user that has no historical actions like login, check or API usage for 90 days becomes deactivated.
7 days before a user is disabled an email will be sent to inform the user
When a user has been disabled a mail will be sent to inform the user
Expire old passwords
Passwords now must be rotated every 90 days.
Increase password complexity
Minimum length 12 and must contain a mix of lower, upper, number and special characters.
Add functionality to manually activate/deactivate users
Grants admins the ability to lock out users rather than changing their password or removing the user altogether.
User existence oracle
Improved the application to not reveal information about existing users at login. Instead, a generic error message will be displayed.
Performance Monitoring Agent
A new version of the Apica Monitoring Agent has been released for Linux servers. The package can be downloaded here.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue which prevented the test instance search function from working properly.
Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in the ALT API.
Fixed an OutOfMemory exception during generation of predefined reports.
Fixed an issue in which the Log Viewer field did not change to the selected file.
Fixed an issue with the Scenario Runner in which Target and Boundary NFR did not coincide with what was set before test execution when running multiple scripts in Continuous Integration (Result Per Script).
Removed a duplicate “Add graph” button from the Scenario Live View.
Fixed an issue in which a regular user only has access to save settings as a global default for the customer within a scenario live view.
Fixed an issue in which presets in the scenario live view don’t update unless the entire page is reloaded.
Fixed an issue which prevented the Password Recovery page from displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue in the Pages & URLs Info Page which prevented any or all of the pages from being displayed correctly when selecting an individual test from the Users dropdown.
Fixed an issue with the pages in Continuous Integration (Result Per Script) in which no red or yellow NFR value lines were shown on the graph.
Fixed an issue which prevented users from initiating a load test for a newly created scenario under certain conditions.
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