ALT 6.7.0 Public Release Notes (2020-07-20)

ALT 6.7.0 Public Release Notes (2020-07-20)

ALT Release 6.7.0

Release date: July 20th, 2020

Released to: US Silo

Set number of VU per Test directly in Script Table
users can now change number of VU directly in the Scenario Script Table.



Bulk edit Location in Scenarios

Bulk Edit is a feature for setting Scenario Script parameters on 2 or more scripts at the same time.
To improve UX and save user time we have now added location as a bulk edit parameter.







Enhanced: Edit File Project relations

Before, access to files were limited only to Projects that a User had access to; i.e. the filters the Project imposed limited what files you were allowed to see. So for a new Project that you wanted access other files from other Projects, we are now allowing access to improve this workflow.

Project settings were introduced in ALT 6.6.3 but selecting a Project when importing files to ALT was optional. And the user had access to his own Project-related files.

From ALT 6.8.0 we're changing the Project setting for File imports to mandatory and replacing existing files will be protected by user Project Access.

Project Setting is now part of the Edit File dialog on the Script Management page.

New Definition of Passes and Failed Transactions

We have changed the ALT definition on what is considered a passed or a failed transaction.
ZebraTester now sets a status for each Transaction to

  1. Fully Passed

  2. Defective Passed

  3. Failed

  4. Disordered

  5. Not Executed.

In LoadRunner Transactions results are binary; set to Passed or Failed so in ALT we had to define what is Passed or Failed. 

Going forward, this definition has now been changed:

  • A Transaction is considered as Passed if the ZT status is: “Fully Passed” or “Defective Passed”.

  • A Transaction is considered as Failed if the ZT status is: “Failed” or “Disordered”.

    The table above illustrates an example of the impact of this change of definitions, a test result where all Transactions have ZebraTester status “Defective Passed” were previously considered Failed but are now considered Passed.

Note that ZT status “Not Executed” is neither considered Passed or Failed.

All Transaction Response time Metrics are set to 0 if all Transactions requests in a test have failed

We've changed the Scenario Result Summary tab and the Transaction Table to show zero response time metrics if all transactions are failed.

The last Transaction in this example has 10 Failed requests and therefore all metrics other than Total Requests are zero.

Script Pacing exceeding 1800 sec is now allowed in ALT Scenarios

A limit in LTR prevented users from setting longer Script Pacing than 1,800 seconds and that's the current limit in ZebraTester.

The current limit in ALT is now 32,000 seconds (8h 53m 20 sec)




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