ALT 6.7.5 Public Release Notes (2020-09-17)

ALT 6.7.5 Public Release Notes (2020-09-17)

ALT Release 6.7.5

Abort Multiple Jobs in large Scenarios
It can take a long time to abort Jobs one by one when aborting large running scenarios.
With this feature, users can now multi-select all or part of a large Test Scenario using checkboxes.

Abort and Delete Running Scenarios
Sometimes users want to do a fast abort and restart of a Scenario.
We've now added a hard abort and delete feature that can be used to do a fast abort of all Jobs in a Scenario and delete all job-related files. 

This is to be used only for cases where users don’t want to keep the results.

ALT Backend PSAPI service for getting information from test result files
Enables Apica to get information from a test result file before processing. 
PSAPI Information includes

  • URL count

  • Page count

  • Snapshot count

  • Sample count

  • Error count

  • More

This information will later be used to decide to process large result files in the background for an improved User Experience. 

Import and replace test results in completed Scenario Test Results
If a Scenario Test failed in the collection or processing of any of the tests in a Scenario, you can now import and replace it with pre-existing prxres test files.

  • Uses

    • Recalculate custom percentiles for an already-processed test result.

    • Import or re-process the collected result file.

The imported test results (prxres files) need to be the original test result files from the same Scenario Test.

Processing is done in the background and progress is indicated by icons in the action section of the Job. 

Use the wrench icon to import and replace a test result into an existing Scenario Result.

Graphs updated to scale and show metrics for low throughput tests
Some tests have a very low throughput, under 1 transaction per second, due to few users and sometimes in combination with script pacing. Interpreting graphs under one was harder to see trends over time.

We now support graphs for transaction rates <1 and improved metrics resolution to 3 decimal places.

Agent Cluster Management
Access control is now applied for adding, editing, or deleting agent clusters.

  • Access to Agent Cluster Management is now limited to the Customer Account Admin role.

    • All other users can select locations but not manage agent clusters, as seen in the screenshot below.

  • This new user access control is used for both Scenarios and single tests using NewTest page.


BUGS Fixed in this Release

  • When importing and replacing files the connection to Projects can, in some cases, be lost

  • Some options are not saved as part of NewTest preset creation

  • Added SQL deadlock guard to prevent a few identified SQL DB dead look cases when starting a scenario

  • Identified an issue with a value that cannot be null when parsing test results

Feature Enhancement - Set Scenario Test Start Time Offset in Seconds

The Scenario Test start time offset can be used to delay the start of a test in a Scenario.
We are now allowing users to set this offset in seconds.





Improved Scenario Test Startup Process 
We have made several improvements to the start-up process of Tests Scenarios. 
The startup process now has an extra step for distributing script files to all agents before starting the tests. 
Just before starting, we have also included a new synchronization point so that all tests included in the Scenario is waiting until all Jobs are ready to start.
The new start-up process posts messages to the Jobs page for each Job. 
Note: Some of the states are fast and might pass without notice by the user.

  • Job is being initialized

  • Job is initialization has completed

  • Parallel job startup sync of job <nnnn> ongoing (The job is in synchronization with other Jobs in the Scenario before the test starts)

  • Parallel job startup sync done for scenario run <nnnn> (All jobs in the scenario are now synchronized and ready to start)

New Feature - File Change History on Script Management Page
This new feature shows file change information with username and timestamp.
We are also keeping track of file related changes of tags and the files relation to ALT projects. 
In this first version we are tracking the full change history in the backend but only showing the latest file change with the date and user name in the frontend. 
In the later release, we will add the full change history information also to the frontend.

Users can now see the creation date, change date, and what user last modified a file.

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