ASM 13.22 Public Release Notes (2023-12-20)

ASM 13.22 Public Release Notes (2023-12-20)

User Story Enhancements

  • Customers with dedicated Next Generated agents are able to see those agents listed along with other public and private agents on the ASM front end:

  • Users with dedicated agents will now see an icon which differentiates them from private agents in the “Private Agents” section when selecting a location in “Edit Check”:

  • Check tier (Private, Dedicated, or Public) now appears on all screens where the selected location is visible for a specific check:

    • In the Check Details top bar

    • In the Check Details result section

    • on the Check Edit page (see above screenshots)


  • A new endpoint was integrated into the Edit Scenario page which fetches certain job information

  • The “Java Options” field has been deprecated removed from the Edit Check page for ZebraTester checks:


  • If an API endpoint only applies to certain check types, the check types for which it applies are explicitly stated in the API documentation.

  • The AppDynamics check type has been deprecated and removed due to lack of popularity.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue which prevented scenarios from being testable from Next Generation locations on the Edit Scenario page

  • Fixed an issue in which the API endpoint GET checks/{checkId}/config did not respond with the correct message when a configuration was not supported for a given check type - now, the response body will include the text “Check type not supported” with a 200 OK to inform the user that the endpoint is not available for the specified check type.

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