Record Web Session

With the browser extension, you can control the recording from the dropdown.


  • Start the Zebratester Console

  • Open a browser window or tab with the ZebraTester Web Admin GUI

  • Open the application you want to record in a separate window or tab



When you have done the setup, you can start recording.

  • Click  Start recording


The browser cookies and cache are cleared, if the clear cache option is enabled.


Use Application

While the recording is running you can record tasks in the application:

  • Add a Page Break

  • Perform actions you want to record in the application

  • Take Screenshots for important steps

  • Repeat adding page breaks and performing tasks as desired


  • Click Stop the recording


The recording is stopped:


View Recording

When you are done recording, you can view the result in the ZebraTester GUI interface:

At this stage, it is generally a good idea to save the recording.

  • Click  Save As

You can now work with the recording to create the desired testing script.





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