Editing Browser Checks

Editing Browser Checks

The following sections only pertain to Browser Checks - you will not be able to specify Returned Value for ZebraTester checks, for example. For components which are editable for every check type, see Editing Checks | Edit Check Components Common to All Check Types.

Check Information


See Editing Checks | Tags.


See Editing Checks | Enabling and Disabling Checks .

Returned Value

In the above image, (ms) denotes “milliseconds” and (b) denotes “bytes”.

  • Total Browser Render Time is the response time from the start of the navigation till the last request is completed.

  • Total Response Time is the sum of the response time of all objects which were loaded during the execution. “Total response time” measures serial execution!

  • Total Page Size is the sum of the response size of all loaded objects in bytes.

  • DOM Content Loaded is the time from the start of the navigation until the “DOM Content Loaded” event.

  • DOM Complete is the time from the start of the navigation until the “DOM Complete” event.

  • DOM Interactive is the time from the start of the navigation until the “DOM Interactive” event.

  • DNS Lookup is the DNS lookup time.

Web Browser

It is possible to change the browser name and version from within the Edit Check settings.

To add a scenario, click on the green “plus sign” icon to bring up the “Add Scenario” box:

Specify the desired name of the scenario and upload an .html or .side file and click “Save”:

To edit a scenario, click on the “pad and paper” icon to show the “Edit Scenario” dialog:

Individual files can be deleted from the scenario with the “delete file” button. The scenario can be replaced by a different scenario, or a newer version of the same scenario by uploading a locally stored scenario file. Refer to the article Understanding the Edit Scenario Page for information on the Debug Scenarios functionality.

Browser Behavior

Custom Headers

You can add custom Headers and Header Values in the “Custom Headers” field. For example, if you would like to add a custom User-Agent to the check, type “User-Agent” in the Header field and type a value of your choice in the Header Value field. Make sure to click the green “Plus” sign to apply the custom header!

Custom headers values support a set of “Message Placeholders” which can pass helpful check information to the server! Examples include %CHECK_ID% and %CHECK_NAME%. Refer to the article https://apica-kb.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=A2&title=Copy%20of%20New%3A%20Webhook%20Placeholders for more information on using Message Placeholders.

A common use case for Custom Headers involves utilizing a specific custom header (for example, “User-Agent: Apica”) in order to bypass bot protection for a specific website.

Custom Header Placeholders

It is possible to use the following placeholders within Custom Headers in order to pass dynamic information regarding the check to the application the check is accessing. This can be helpful when a URL call needs to pass unique URL-specific information along to the application. Currently, the following placeholders are available:








Check GUID.



Timestamp adjusted to timezone of current dispatch target (may be based on user/customer). Falls back to UTC.

Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (TZ-offset) or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS if UTC.


Date and time in predefined format.

Format YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS.


Block rules are often an important part of a check configuration, especially for checks which load many URLs. Block rules utilize the wildcard syntax; generally, you should include a wildcard before and after any string pattern you wish to block. For example, if you wish to block all URLs coming from http://example.com , use the block pattern *http://example.com *. If you wish to block only a certain URL or URLs on a certain subdomain, use the block pattern *example.com/firstSubdomain/secondSubdomain* (of course, firstDomain and secondDomain are arbitrary values and should be replaced with the path of the URL(s) you want to block). If you wish to block a certain URL with a certain subtype, use the block pattern *example.com/firstSubdomain/*.woff*. Again, these are arbitrary values; the importance lies in the placement of the wildcard character which will block any value before and after it until it reaches another defined character, per the definition of a wildcard.

The following header-based integrations require that the Save Response Headers option is enabled in the Browser Data settings.

Disable Automatic Page Breaks

Disables the insertion of automatic page breaks which are generally inserted when the ASM scenario runs the “open” and any of the “…andWait” commands (e.g. clickAndWait). If automatic insertion of page breaks is disabled in the Browser Behavior section, page breaks can still be entered via the ASM scenario using the insertPageBreak command.

Enable VDMS Debug Headers

When the VDMS option is enabled, Edgecast X-EC-Debug headers are included, containing debugging information.

Enable Akamai Pragma Headers

Enabling the Akamai Pragma Headers options adds a header to the request.

Enable DynaTrace PurePath

When the DynaTrace PurePath option is enabled, a request header is added (overriding any existing header).

AppDynamics SnapShots

When the AppDynamics Snapshots option is enabled, transaction snapshots provided by AppDynamics are included in check results. This option will only be available if you have installed AppDynamics. If you have not enabled AppDynamics for your account, you will see the message “You haven’t installed AppDynamics” instead, with a link to the AppDynamics configuration page in ASM:

Screen Resolution