3 . Parameterization : Input Fields , ADR and Input files

3 . Parameterization : Input Fields , ADR and Input files

User Input Fields

User Input Fields are load test program options (arbitrary global variables), for which you are prompted at the start of the load test. The user input will be stored inside the corresponding global var. The following example uses a User Input Field to make the hostname of the URL calls variable, in order that the same load test program can be executed against a development system and a test system, without the need to record two web surfing sessions.

After the User Input Field has been defined, it can then be assigned to the hostname (in this example). You can click on any recorded URL in the main menu which contains the "correct“ hostname; that is, the hostname which you want to make variable. Then click the Var Assigner button in the HTTP request header:

Input Fields

Assign to