Manage Repository Profiles
Postman collections and Scripted Check scripts are not uploaded to the ASM platform. Instead, they are managed through a repository which is created by the end user. This repository is set up from within the “Manage > Repository Profiles” page:
Users can view and add new Repository Profiles from this page. A Repository Profile holds a repository URL and authentication details to the repository so users do not have to add that information every time they set up a check.
To create a new Repository Profile, click on the “New Profile” button, select a Type, and click “Create Profile”:
Adding a Repository Type
Add your project’s base Repository URL when you create a Repository Profile. You will have the option to add a more specific file path when you create a check which utilizes the repository.
Adding a Github Repository
In order to set up a GitHub repository, you will need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token from within Github itself. Perform the following steps to create and add a Github repository as a repository profile.
1. Create a New Github Repository or Use an Existing Repository
The repository can be public or private. It is recommended that you use a private repository as it will provide a higher GitHub token rate limit.
2. Create a Personal Access Token from Github Developer Settings
The Personal Access Token will grant ASM permission to access scripts which you’ve hosted on GitHub.
Click "Generate new token” and enter your GitHub password if prompted. It is recommended that you add a note to describe that you are using the personal access token for an Apica integration:
For this example, only we'll set no expiration because we don't want this token to expire, but you can set a token expiration date as your security policy requires.
The token only requires the “repo” scope!
Finally, click Generate token.
Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won't be able to see it again!
3. Add Repository Profile in ASM
From within the “Manage Profiles” page, add the repository URL, your Username, and your Personal Access Token:
As the screenshot indicates above, the Repository URL consists of a string formatted in the following structure:{username}/{repositoryName
If the repository contains a subfolder, such as /postmanChecks, you will reference that when you create a Scripted or Postman check later. Just enter the base repository URL here.
Paste the Personal Access Token you created above in the “Github Personal Access Token” field.
Adding Other Repository Types
HTTPIt is possible to store files on an HTTP server and retrieve them with HTTP Basic authentication. Enter the base path to the repository within the repository profile; you will add a more specific file path when you create a Postman or Scripted check. |
BitbucketFor Bitbucket Cloud/DC/Server Users enter the Bitbucket:
Azure DevOpsFor Azure DevOps Users enter the Azure DevOps:
| The DevOps Repository URL might look different depending on the configuration or the installation of the Azure DevOps server. Some typical valid TFS project URLs are:
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