Manage Checks

Manage Checks

It is possible to work with multiple checks at once from the Manage Checks page.

When you click on the “Manage > Checks” button from the top-level ASM menu, you will be brought to the Manage Checks page:

From here, you will be able to perform helpful tasks such as enabling/disabling, editing, or deleting checks with the click of a button; editing multiple checks at once via the Bulk Edit function; adding/removing users to check groups; and changing group assignment of multiple checks at once.


The following diagram and table provide an overview of the available functions within the Manage Checks page:








Edit the check.


Run the check.


Completely remove the check from ASM.

Toggle select

Select/deselect checks/groups/subgroups.

Assign Checks

Selected checks can be associated with a group or subgroup from the Assign dialog.

Checks associated with the group are shown on the left. On the right, checks not associated with the group are displayed. The list can be filtered using free text searches and the Filter button. You can move checks between the lists with the Add and Remove transfer buttons. You can rearrange the order of checks in the group with the Up and Down buttons.

Assign Check To Group

To associate a check with a group, start in the Manage check view:

  • Use the Checks Filter to find the group

  • Click the Assign Checks button

The dialog opens:

  • Enter a search text in the filter box

  • Click the Filter button

Checks matching the search texts are displayed:

  • Mark the Checks to associate

  • Click Add to move the check

  • Click Save

The Check will be included in the group.

Bulk Edit

If you want to edit the common aspects of multiple checks at the same time, you can use the Bulk Edit feature.

Whenever you select more than one check in the Manage Checks view, a bulk action toolbar becomes available at the top of the window:





Checks View

Switch to the normal Manage Checks view.

Bulk Edit

Switch to bulk edit mode.


 Disable the selected checks.


Enable the selected checks. 


Run the selected checks.


Remove all the selected checks.

Deselect All Checks

Deselect all selected checks.

You can perform Bulk Edit on up to 100 checks at a time. You can't Bulk Edit Integration Checks and other Check Types at the same time.

To edit parameters for the selected checks:

  • Mark the parameter by checking the checkbox on the left

The row is indicated in green and the fields become editable.

A running tally of the marked parameters is shown at the top of the window:

Merge Or Replace

For appropriate fields, you can choose to merge the data in the fields or replace the date with new values.






All values from all checks will be applied to the selected checks in the bulk action.


Remove the current value for the field and replace it with the new value for the selected checks in the bulk action.