Manage Alerts
From the Manage Alerts view, you can assign individual or group alerts for each check, which will notify them of any status change according to the preferred severity.
In Manage Alerts, checks are displayed by Top Level Group and Subgroup, much as they appear in Manage checks, but with an icon along the right side with which Alerts can be assigned.
In the upper right, you can toggle between Alerts and Recipients.
The general workflow for creating alerts is:
Create Recipient Users to receive the alerts
Create Targets for the delivery method to the recipients
(Optional) Create Recipient Groups containing multiple recipients
Create the Alerts themselves, by selecting checks and assigning recipients
Adding a New Alert
You can add alerts for any checks and select one or several severities to include in the alert. Each alert can have multiple Alert Recipients, and each recipient can have multiple Targets.
To add an alert:
Find the checks you want to create alerts for
Search for checks with the Filter search box
Expand the Monitor Groups as needed
Mark the Checks you want to include in the alert and click on the Selected alerts button:
Mark the levels of Severity you want to send alerts for
Mark the users or groups your want to send alerts to
Click the Create Alert button
Adding Alert Recipients
Recipients are the endpoints for an alert, typically a team (Group) or an individual (User). The Users and Groups you set to receive Alerts are set up in the Recipients tab.
Add Group
Recipient groups are collections of user targets you select to receive the alerts.
Note: You need to create the users and targets before you can add them to a group.
Create Group
To add a recipient group:
Click the Add Group button
Enter a name for the group
Find the Users you want to include in the group
Click the checkbox next to each Target
Click Create Group
The group is created, containing the selected user/targets.
Add User
Recipients are the users or groups of users you select to receive the alerts.
Add User
Click the Add User button
Enter the basic user information:
User Name
User Description
User Phone Number (doubles as Targets)
User Email (doubles as Targets)
Click the Create User button
The user is created, containing the two default targets.
Adding Alert Targets
In this example we set up two targets for different events with different messages.
target with a message containing status information and timestamp and location.A
target with a message containing timestamp.
Add Targets
We start in the Alert Recipients tab, with a recipient we want to add the targets to:
Fail Target
Click Add Email Target
Enter a Target Name (
)Enter an Email
Uncheck the Use Default Message box
Edit the the text in the Message box (you can use Message Placeholders)
In this case we use this message:
The check %CHECK_NAME% (id %CHECK_ID%)
failed with status %SEV% at %TT% (%UTC% UTC)
from %LOCATION%.
Click Add Email Target
The target is added to the recipient.
Success Target
Click Add Email Target
Enter a Target Name (
)Enter an Email
Uncheck the Use Default Message box
Edit the the text in the message box (you can use Message Placeholders)
In this case we use this message:
The check %CHECK_NAME% (id %CHECK_ID%)
returned to normal at %TT% (%UTC% UTC).
Click Add Email Target
The target is added to the recipient.
We now have the targets we need for the alerts. Navigate back to the Alerts tab to verify that the configured was done correctly: