Configuring Alerts

Configuring Alerts


Alerts can be used to notify recipients about status changes to your checks. They can be sent by email address, SMS messages, or integrated 3rd party service.

Complex alerting setups can be tricky. If you have any questions about alert configuration, please send a support ticket to support@apica.io, and we will help you with the setup and testing process.

Here’s an example of some configured recipients, some of which are disabled:

Alerts configured for a browser check, all enabled:

Note: The alerts are all enabled, but since most of the targets are disabled, alerts will be triggered but not sent for these.

Apica’s alerting requires that the monitoring checks be defined, the thresholds and conditions for an alert set, and a destination where this information will ultimately end.

This section introduces the concept of alerting using a push concept, with Webhooks defining where the alerts' POST body gets sent. The contents of the alert messages are populated with placeholders that convey the actual values needed by either the Webhook-enabled service, the SMS text, or the email.

  • Alerts

    • Are fired/triggered when a threshold has been passed, or a condition has been met.

    • Have Targets (places to send the alert to)

  • Targets

    • Can be directly sent to a person/group

      • Email

      • SMS

    • It can be a Webhook-enabled service like OpsGenie or Splunk

      • Push style to the service ingestion endpoint

      • Not a REST-API Pull model

  • Placeholders

    • Messages: The messages these alerts create can contain information/metric Message Placeholders filled in during message generation.

    • For Webhooks: WebHook Placeholders are what the service needs to route the incoming alert message correctly. These placeholders can be customized for the service to be integrated.

The Alert Setup Process

From the Manage Alerts view, you can assign individual or group alerts for each check, which will notify them of any status change according to the preferred severity.


In Manage Alerts, checks are displayed by Top Level Group and Subgroup, much as they appear in Manage checks, but with an icon along the right side with which Alerts can be assigned.

In the upper right, you can toggle between Alerts and Recipients.


The general workflow for creating alerts is:

  • Create or Add a User to receive the alerts (Who gets the alert?).

  • Create Targets for the recipients' delivery method (How are the alerts delivered? e.g., PagerDuty, SMS Text, Email, etc.).

  • (Optional) Create a Group containing multiple recipients for the alert.

  • Create the Alerts themselves by selecting checks and assigning recipients.





Add Recipients

The Users and Groups you set to receive Alerts are set up in the Recipients tab.  

There is a column to define Users and their contact information, as well as Groups.

First Step: Add a User

Recipients are the users or groups of users you select to receive the alerts.

  • Click the Add User button.

  • Enter the necessary user information:

    • User Name

    • User Description

    • User Phone Number (doubles as Target)

    • User Email (doubles as a Target)

    • Click the Create User button.

    • The user is created, containing the two default targets.

Second Step: Add Group

Recipient groups are collections of user targets you select to receive the alerts.

Note: You need to create the users and targets before you can add them to a group.

Create Group

To add a recipient group:

  • Click the Add Group button.

  • Enter a name for the group

  • Find the Users you want to include in the group.

  • Click the checkbox next to each Target.

  • Click Create Group

    • The group is created, containing the selected user/targets.


When defining alert recipients, you can have the message delivered via various target services.

For each User or Group Recipient, you add delivery Targets that define the method of delivery.


You can select to add PagerDuty, Email, a WebHook integration, or SMS (text message) as targets.


When you have defined targets for individual users, you can add them to Groups:

Alerts Tab

The Alerts tab allows you to set Severity, Targets (individual users), and Groups (of users) to review alerts according to the parameters you prefer.

Alerts can be set for individual checks and be delivered to multiple Targets.

Add Alert

You can add alerts for any checks and select one or several severities to include in the alert. Each alert can have multiple Recipients, and each recipient can have multiple Targets.

Create Alert

To add an alert:

  • Find the checks you want to create alerts for

  • Search for checks with the Filter search by


  • Expand the Monitor Groups as needed

  • Mark the Checks you want to include in the alert:

  • Mark the levels of Severity you want to send alerts for

  • Mark the users or groups your want to send alerts to

  • Click the Create Alert button.





Configuring Different Alerting Types

E-mail Alerts

A standard way of delivering notifications is sending an email. You can send the alert to multiple email addresses, and optionally have a customized message containing Message Placeholders.

An email target is created automatically when you set up a Add User.

Add an E-mail Target

To add an Email target:

  • Click the Email button

  • Enter a Target Name for identification in Synthetic Monitoring

  • Enter a list of Email addresses to sent the alert to

  • If you want to use a custom message:

  • Uncheck Use Default Message

  • Enter an alert Message (you can use Message Placeholders)

  • Click the Add Email Target button

The Target is created, containing the selected user/targets.

SMS Alerts

Alerts can be delivered as SMS to mobile phones. You can send the alert to multiple numbers, and optionally have a customized message containing Message Placeholders.

The phone target is created automatically when you set up user alerts via Add User.

Create Target

To add an Text Message target:

  • Click the Text Message button

  • Enter a Target Name for identification in Synthetic Monitoring

  • Enter a list of Phone Numbers to sent the alert to

  • If you want to use a custom message:

  • Uncheck Use Default Message

  • Enter an alert Message (you can use Message Placeholders)

  • Click the Add SMS Target button

The Target is created, containing the selected user/targets.

PagerDuty Alerts

With the PagerDuty Integration, you can have alerts delivered through the PagerDuty platform, offering a rich set of notification delivery options. You need to set up the PagerDuty Integration before you can create a PagerDuty target.

To add a PagerDuty target, click the PagerDuty button

  • Open the Service menu

  • Choose the desired service

  • Enter a Target Name for identification in Synthetic Monitoring

  • Click the Add PagerDuty Target button

The Target is created, containing the selected user/targets.

Other Alert Types

For instructions on how to configure other alert types, refer to the article Configuring Webhook Alerts.

Understanding and Configuring Placeholders

A placeholder is a character, word, or string of characters that temporarily takes the place of the final data.

For example, an operations manager may know that, for an alert, he needs a certain number of metrics with returned values or variables but doesn't yet know what to input because the value is dynamically returned from the monitoring results. He can use a placeholder as a temporary solution until a proper value or variable can be assigned by an alert (or message).

At Apica, we use placeholders in the following manners:

Alerts and Messages: when a customer wants to be made aware of/alerted about a state of a monitoring check. In other words, some threshold or a specified set of conditions has been met that needs to be sent (in some format to consume, like a popular alerting service like PagerDuty, or via a Webhook, SMS, or email). When this happens, a message gets generated and displayed in either an email or SMS text or generally POSTed to a Webhook-enabled service that ingests this information.

Webhooks: When there’s a business service that needs to ingest information about an Apica monitoring check (status, alert, message), the Webhook, as a push service, is a passive way to receive this information. So, a set of alert integration placeholders has been defined and customized to your service needs.

Message Placeholders

When Apica sends out an alert (with Apica’s “Alerter service”), it uses a set of “placeholders” (needed by the various destination “targets” (alert destinations)) to refer to parts of information associated with events that have triggered (or resolved) the alert.

So placeholders provide a way to customize the layout and contents of SMTP (email), SMS messages and provide event-based information via a POST body to Webhook enabled Services like OpsGenie ServiceNow.

A placeholder has the following format:


There is a set of predefined placeholders configured in ASM:







Event-based Placeholders


Event symbol. For check-based events, this is the CheckConfig.check_symbol value.



Event message text.



The NETBIOS name of the host is the source of the event.



Event message text with any double-quotes (") replaced by single-quotes (').



Event severity as one upper-case character, I, W, E, or F.



Event severity as one word, Info, Warning, Error, or Fatal.



Agent-local timestamp. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.



UTC timestamp with a 'T' between the date and time portions. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

Timestamp (UTC)


The timestamp of the event is expressed in UTC. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Timestamp (UTC)

For Check-based Events, Use the Following Placeholders


Check id (32-bit positive integer from CheckConfig.id)



Check GUID.

A UUID from CheckConfig.check_guid, in the format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX


Check descriptor (from CheckConfig.check_descriptor)



Check descriptor (based on CheckConfig.check_type)

URL, Command, Ping, Port, Scenario, Fullpage (IE), or Fullpage


Check module descriptor (from NodeModule.amm_descriptor)



Previous check severity as an uppercase letter

(I, W, E, or F)


Current check severity as an uppercase letter

(I, W, E, or F)


Previous check severity as a word

(Info, Warning, Error or Fatal)


Current check severity as a word

(Info, Warning, Error or Fatal)