URLv2 Check

URLv2 Check

A URL Check will make a domain call to check that the URL is in keeping with your SLA promise, either internally or from an external vendor such as a CDN or DNS provider. A URL check is essentially an API call; to set one up, specify a URL and a Request Method:

It is also possible to specify a custom request method.

The official name of the check is a “URLv2 check”. We append “v2” to the name to differentiate the product from its previous version, which was implemented differently on the backend. For purposes of this document, “URL” and “URLv2” are interchangeable.

Check Configuration

The following Edit Check settings pertain specifically to URLv2 checks. Refer to the article Editing Checks for information on Edit Check settings which are shared between check types.

Result Interpretation Section

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching is used to check whether the received response payload contains the provided pattern. Response Content Verification only applies to response content; it is not possible to verify text strings in the HTTP header or in returned status codes. You can specify the check to look for a literal string or match response content against a regular expression. If the response content does not match the specified pattern, the check Severity is set to Fatal and the check will fail.

Literal Pattern Matching (Case Sensitive)
Regex Pattern Matching

Checking the “Case Sensitive” checkbox will specify that the specified string must be upper or lower case.

Make sure to include double quotes and other necessary characters in the Response Content Verification Pattern field!

Advanced Section

Enable Request Data

If you are sending a POST request, you will most likely want to enable request data. By checking the “Enable Request Data” box, you may specify the request data to be sent. Note that the box allows for any text; make sure you have verified formatting prior to entering text in the field.

Timeout/Connection Timeout

In the Timeouts section, you can define timeout durations for the check request.

“Timeout” specifies the maximum time the check will wait for a response before it fails. “Connection Timeout” specifies the maximum time the check will wait for a connection before it fails.

Store Request/Response Headers

Selecting these checkboxes will enable the check to include request and/or response headers in the Check Result.

Enable Response Content

Upon request, it is possible to enable Response Content which will capture and display the returned response content in the Check Result.

This feature is only available upon request! The above option is not visible by default and must be enabled on the Apica backend. If you are interested in enabling Response Content for one or more of your URLv2 checks, contact your TAM or Support.

Disable Certificate Verification

Check “Disable Certificate Verification” to ignore certificate issues when performing the URL check.

For example, if you are performing a check against a site with a known SSL certificate issue, you can check this box to ignore the SSL certificate errors and pass the check anyway.

Accepted Codes

It is possible to configure the check so that multiple status codes are acceptable responses.

Spaces are not allowed when defining multiple status codes.

Secure Protocol Version

Set the secure protocol version to use. Selecting the “Default” option is preferred in most cases; however, in the rare case that selecting the correct protocol version automatically fails, it is possible to manually specify either SSLv3 or TLSv1 as the preferred version.

Enable HTTP2

Use HTTP/2 if it is supported by the target server. If not, use HTTP 1.1.


It is possible to specify proxy server details within URLv2 checks to enable access to URLs which require a proxy. Check the “Enable Proxy” checkbox and enter the requested proxy details, such as proxy Type, Host, and Port:






Type of the proxy server


(DNS) hostname or TCP/IP address of the proxy server


TCP/IP port number of the proxy server


Authentication type of the proxy server

User Name

Username used to authenticate against the proxy server


Password used to authenticate against the proxy server





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