ZebraTester Check

ZebraTester Check

Zebratester (Formerly: ProxySniffer)

A ZebraTester check uses a script created in ZebraTester to perform a series of action on the target.


Some sample views:

Check info section

Check Configuration

Check Result


Apica Synthetic Monitoring can run Zebratester Load Test scenarios on our globally-distributed agents. Load test scripts (scenarios) created under ZebraTester can be deployed on a regular basis to selected agents for monitoring over time.

The Wizard will ask for

Step 1: Name, Description and any Tags (example Tags: Dev, Prod, Test, US, EU, LoadTest, Marketing, Ops)

Step 2: The Scenario and Agent Location

Accepted files are .prxdat files for single scenarios and .zip for scenarios with external files. Scenarios are compiled
by Apica Synthetic Monitoring therefor .zip files need to contain the .prxdat file together with the exter