DNS Security Check

DNS Security Check

With the Security check, you can test your DNS environment for vulnerabilities.


The flaws the Security check looks for are:

  • Whether the name server is an open resolver.

  • Whether the name server presents its software and version.

  • Whether the name server allows zone transfers globally.

Any one of these three security vulnerabilities could mean you are at risk and the vulnerability should be addressed.

Each control point of the check can be either passfail or be inconclusive.

If all control points pass, the check will report an Information message as the name server is correctly configured.

If one or more check fails, the check will report this as a Warning or an Error message. This means that measures should be taken to fix the potential security flaw.

A control point can also report Inconclusive which mean that the control point receives such information that the check can’t determine if there is a security problem. The message will give som