DAC Desktop Recorder (UI Introduction)

When the Desktop Recorder is first started, it will have 3 tabs (Edit Scenario, Test Run, and Files) plus a Help tab (which will contain links to Apica Support as well as complete PDFs of the Scripting Guide and Command Reference):





Edit Scenario Tab

Where the scripting takes place.

Edit Scenario Tab (Cont’d)

The Recording can be set to Disabled (Default) or Enabled

  • When Recording is Enabled, the Cursor Position X and Y coordinates will be updated and the Pixel Color underneath the cursor will show the RGB Color values along with a color swatch preview.

  • When Recording is Enabled, mouse-clicks will be recorded like “Command: rightClickAt” and Argumentsx:123, y:456, and (if any) Flags.


Test Run Tab

Where the scenario is executed on either the Recorder or a remote Agent.

Files Tab

Where the scenario name and description are set, the scenario can be saved as either an HTML or JSON (default) formatted file, in a location of your choice.



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