Slack (Webhook Integration)

Slack (Webhook Integration)

Slack Channel Alerts

The Slack integration allows Alerts to be delivered to Slack channels.

Note: For Slack delivery to work, you need to configure a Slack Integration custom integration in Slack.

With Slack, you can

  • Communicate incident alerts to Slack channels

  • Share alert information with single users or other team channels

Slack Integration Overview

  1. Integrate with Slack

  2. Add Slack Target


Part 1: Slack Integration

Slack Integration

Before you can use Slack as a target for delivery, you need to configure an incoming WebHook custom integration in Slack. Please see the Slack Documentation for current Webhook process details:

Webhook Settings

When you have created the basic WebHook integration, you can further customize the parameters and behavior.

  • Change settings as desired

When you are satisfied with the settings:

  • Click Save Settings

Setting up Slack from the Slack Platform

This page is a simple copy from the Slack page. For the complete page, please follow the link to the official Slack documentation.

Getting started with Incoming Webhooks

A quick review of the 4-step process (if you've already done some of these things it'll be even easier) that will have you posting messages using Incoming Webhooks in a few minutes:

1. Create a Slack app (if you don't have one already)

2. Enable Incoming Webhooks

3. Create an Incoming Webhook

4. Use your Incoming Webhook URL to post a message

Part 2: Adding a Slack Target

Note: For this deprecated method of Slack delivery to work, you must first configure a Slack Integration custom integration in Slack.

Alerting to a Slack Target

This deprecated Webhook method delivers alerts to a defined Slack integration destination (a Slack Target).

Creating a Slack Target





To add a Slack target

  • Click the WebHook button

  • A blank target is created

  • Select Slack


Target Name

  • Enter the target name for identifying the Slack target in ASM.


  • The integration URL is the access point in Slack for alert delivery. Copy the ID's from the Slack Slack Settings and paste them into the textbox.https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


  • The channel setting defines the channel (or user) in Slack where the alerts are delivered.

  • Enter the Channel (or user) name

Message Title and Message

  • Enter the Title of the Message and the Message itself. You can use Alerts Message Placeholders in the title to add dynamic information. The delivered alert message can use all formatting provided by Slack, and placeholders for ASM information. For more details about Slack formatting, see the Slack documentation: https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting

Done (Add WebHook Slack Target)

  • Click the Add WebHook Slack Target button

  • Target is created, containing the selected destination.

Example Slack Webhook

URL: generated on the Slack side

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