Result per Script

Result per Script

With loadtesting in the Continuous Integration or Deployment process, you will see earlier information about the performance of your releases before reaching production. Follow trends here by dividing every scenario's result into its own Test Instance. For example, for a specific test instance of a loadtest script:

In the Results view, you can select continuous integration results for a specified instance, and compare the most recent results with earlier results.

Select CI Results

The Select section provided dropdown menus allowing you to choose which information to display in the charts and boxes.






Test Project.

Load Test Script

Test Scenario File

Test Instance

Project Instance.


The chart shows information about response times for the particular loadtest script/scenario file for job runs in a chosen test instance.

The contents of the chart depend on which page or transaction was selected in those sections.

Conversely, the contents of the pages and transaction sections depend on which run of the test has been selected in the chart.

If Target and Outer Boundary NFR’s are defined for a certain test when you perform a comparison, they will appear in the Pages and Transactions sections. This will allow you to compare two tests against “baseline” NFR metrics; this can help determine whether a change which has been performed on a website between test scenarios is causing a certain process to violate NFR definitions.


Below the chart are links providing access to detailed results for the tests.





Latest test result page

Go to the result details for the most recent run.

Selected test result page

Go to the result details for the run selected in the chart.


The pages section shows the pages for the selected scenario.

Selecting different pages will update the chart to display information about the transaction.

Conversely, selecting a test in the chart will update the page box to display information for that run.


If the load test script/scenario file contains user-defined transactions, those are available in the transactions section.

Selecting different transactions will update the chart to display information about the transaction.

Conversely, selecting a test in the chart will update the transaction box to display information for that run.


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