Live View
Live View
In this chapter, we take a look at the Live View which is available when tests are running.
Click play to start the video, and fullscreen to view in fullscreen mode.
The Live View is accessible for running jobs, and provides real-time information about running tests, and allows you to tweak them as they run.
The Live View is accessible for running jobs, and provides real-time information about running tests, and allows you to tweak them as they run.
Access Live View
Live Data is available from any running job by using the Live Data action.
Show Live Data
To show the Live Data for a running job:
Start in the Jobs view.
Find the running job in the Running Jobs section.
Click the Live View action button.
The Live View opens.
Client Side Monitoring
If the job uses Client Side Monitoring, this tab shows real browser rendering times corresponding to the behavior of a real user accessing the application during the load test.
You will be able to see the total Response Time measured from a real browser for each separate run on this page.
The information is automatically updated at regular intervals.
To update the information manually:
Click the Refresh All button
For each location, a Location Overview chart displays a graph containing the response time value during the test.
The information is automatically updated at regular intervals.
To update the information manually:
Click the Refresh All button
The Location Details table lists the test runs for the job.
Column | Description |
Run | Agent name/identifier and network address. |
Response Time | Time until received response. |
Start (Offset) | Timestamp for the start of the run. The offset shows time elapsed from the start of the test. |
Thumbnail | Button to display thumbnail image of the application. |
The information is automatically updated at regular intervals.
To update the information manually:
Click the Refresh Table button
For more in depth data you can drill down into the Location Details table and see the response time for specific URLs in any run.
Column | Description |
Run | Agent name/identifier and network address. |
Response Time | Time until received response. |
Start (Offset) | Timestamp for the start of the run. The offset shows time elapsed from the start of the test. |
Thumbnail | Button to display thumbnail image of the application. |
Drill-Down Details
To view the details:
Choose the run you want to examine:
Click Expand
The pages in the run are displayed:
Column | Description |
Page | Order of the page in scenario. |
URL | Called URL. |
Response Time | Time until received response. |
Click Expand
The URLs in the run are displayed:
Column | Description |
URL | Called URL. |
Response Time | Time until received response. |
Method | HTTP Method used for the URL. |
Size | Response size. |
Mime Type | Response Mime-Type. |
HTTP Response | Response HTTP Code. |
Error Message | Error message for failed call. |
Click Expand
Response times for the URL is displayed in a chart:
Live View Errors
Errors show detailed information about any possible errors if any have occurred.
The chart and table show Hard and Soft errors for failed calls.
Location Filter
The chart and table can be filtered by location.
Open the Locations dropdown menu
Select the location to display
Errors Over Time Chart
The Errors Over Time chart shows error occurrences during the test for the selected location.
The chart shows hard and soft errors as they occur, expanding the axis as needed.
Live Error Feed Table
The Live Error Feed table shows information about the last recorded errors.
Column | Description |
Page | Page order number and name in the scenario. |
URL | HTTP Method and URL associated with the error. |
URL Index | Error number relative to the URL. |
Time Offset | The time when the error occurred, relative to the start of the test. |
Error Type | HTTP Error Code and message for the error. |
Actions | Buttons for possible actions to perform on the error. |
Column | Action | Description |
Go to Details | Open the Error Details dialog. |
Error Details
The Error Details dialog provides access to a number of tabs containing detailed information relating to the error.
Error Summary
The Summary tab shows the received content of the response.
Page | Page order number and name in scenario. |
URL | HTTP Method and URL associated with the error. |
Error Data | The time when the error occurred: Timestamp, time after start (number of seconds, and converted time). |
URL Exec Step | Execution step when the error occurred. |
Exec Agent Socket Create Time | Creation time for the execution agent connection. |
TCP Connection Reuse Count | The number of reuses of the TCP connection. |
TCP Local Address | TCP local IP address. |
TCP Local Port | Local port for TCP connection. |
Remote TCP Address | TCP remote address. |
TCP Remote Port | Remote port for TCP connection. |
SSL Session Id | Session ID for SSL connection. |
Request Headers
In the Request Headers tab, information about the request preceding the error is displayed.
The table displays the HTTP Method and URL associated with the error at the top.
Following that is a table containing all headers sent with the request.
Request Content
The Request Content tab, shows the sent content of the request if any.
Response Headers
The Response Headers tab shows the received response headers.
The table displays the HTTP Code and text error at the top.
Following that is a table containing all headers provided in the response.
Response Content
The Response Content tab, shows the received content of the response if any.
To view the content in a browser:
Click View In Browser
Your default browser opens to display the content
Error Log
In the Error Log tab, you can see the error log leading up to the reported error.
Monitoring Agents
The Monitoring Agents tab presents additional metrics from the Performance Monitoring Agents. The agent overview shows all involved agents (on multiple pages if necessary), with aggregated data.
Column | Description |
Monitoring Agent | Agent name/identifier and network address. |
CPU Usage % | Percentage of CPU used. |
Physical Memory Available | Available memory. |
Memory Page/s | Memory pages per second swapped to or from disk. |
Mbit/s Transmitted | Outgoing traffic volume. |
Mbit/s Received | Incoming traffic volume. |
Physical Disk Time | Percentage of time spent reading/writing disks. |
The information is automatically updated at regular intervals.
To update the information manually:
Click the Refresh All button
You can select an individual agent and view detailed information about it.
Open the Agent dropdown menu
Select the agent from the list
The view is updated with information and charts relating to the selected agent.
The Statistics section shows aggregated data about a single agent.
Information is displayed about the agent selected in the Agents dropdown menu:
Item | Description |
Monitoring Agent | Agent name/identifier and network address. |
CPU Usage % | Percentage of CPU used. |
Physical Memory Available | Available memory. |
Memory Page/s | Memory pages per second swapped to or from disk. |
Mbit/s Transmitted | Outgoing traffic volume. |
Mbit/s Received | Incoming traffic volume. |
Physical Disk Time | Percentage of time spent reading/writing disks. |
In the CPU Load chart, information about processor usage is shown.
The chart indicates how much processing the agents are doing at various times, allowing you to identify possible bottlenecks. The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
Available Memory
From the Physical Memory Available chart, you can access statistics about the available RAM.
By viewing the chart, you may get insights into processing power needed to conduct the load test. The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
Memory Pages
In the Memory Pages chart, information about memory page swapping is shown.
The chart shows the frequency of memory swapping during the test. The chart options allows you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
In the Mbit/s Transmitted / Mbit/s Received chart, information about data traffic over the agent is shown.
Data | Description |
Mbit/s Transmitted | Outgoing traffic volume. |
Mbit/s Received | Incoming traffic volume. |
The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
IO Wait Time
With the IO Wait Time chart you have access to information about communication efficiency.
The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
Disk Time
The Physical Disk Time chart displays disk usage.
The chart shows the percentage of time spent reading/writing to and from disks. The chart options allows you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
Ongoing Information
Ongoing Info
While the job is running, information about the ongoing job is available at the top.
Show Live Data
Icon | Item | Description |
| Status | Currrent status of the job. |
| Scenario | Scenario file used in the job. |
| Progress/Status | Elapsed time, remaining time , percentage progress bar. |
| Users | Number of users. |
| Loops | Number of completed loops. |
/ | Pause/Resume Load | Temporarily pause loadtest traffic and set user count to |
| Abort Ramp-up/down | Stop currently running Ramping process. |
| Change Runtime Settings | Open the Runtime Settings dialog. |
When the job has finished running, the display changes to indicate the status.
You can access the Result Details with the View Results button.
Overview - Live View
The Overview tab presents a summary of the statistics gathered so far during the job, displaying it in various charts and tables.
Live Stats
In the Live Stats section summaries of various statistics are displayed and updated in real time.
Item | Description |
Loops |
Total | Total number of completed transactions (loops) |
/ Passed | Number of completed transactions (loops). |
/ Failed | Number of failed transactions (loops). Equals number of fatal errors. |
URL Calls |
Total | The total number of HTTP/S calls made during the test. |
/ Passed | Number of sent calls. |
/ Failed | Number of calls without response. |
Total Page Views | Total number of visited pages. |
Throughput | Traffic volume handled during the test. |
Web Transaction Rate | Number of (successful) completed URL calls per second, for all simulated users. |
User Waiting For Response | Number of users waiting for response. |
Total Transmitted Data | Volume of transmitted data . |
Session Time per Loop | The session time for one loop per simulated user. This value is the sum of the Transaction Response Time of all URLs, including Think Time. |
Load Test Data
The Load Test Data charts illustrate a number of load test statistics in chart form.
In the chart Pages Response Time, you can view response times and number of users for the pages in the scenario.
This chard allows you to identify problematic pages, or see if what impact the number of users have during the test.
The legends below the chart display average response times for each page in the chart.
The Transactions Response Time chart provides a view of how the average response time is impacted by the number of users.
The chart shows response times, compared to number of active users during the test.
This allows you to quickly detect deviations in response time.
Users / Connections
With the Active Users / Connections Waiting For Response chart, you can view the number of active users and the connections waiting for response.
This chart provides an overview of the fraction of virtual users that may be experiencing slow response times during the test.
Rate / Output
The chart Transaction Rate / Network Output provides an overview of how the Web Transaction Rate Rate compares to the Network Throughput .
The chart provides a view of how the Web Transaction Rate Rate compares to the Network Throughput.
This may provide insight into if problems are occurring with URL calls or with network volume.
Chart Hard Errors / Soft Errors
In the chart Hard Errors / Soft Errors chart, you can see failed requests by type of failure.
The chart shows Hard Errors and Soft Errors on each Y-axis to allow which allows you to compare them and identify discrepancies and possible causes of failure.
Loops / Session Time
In the chart Completed Loops / Session Time Per Loop, you can view how the number of completed loops compares to the average Session Time Per Loop.
The chart combines current number of completed Loops # per minute with the Session Time Per Loop value, which may give insights into how number of loops affects the loop completion rate.
Agent Data
The Monitoring Agent Data section shows information about the Performance Agents used in the load test.
The Agent Data section provides basic information about the performance monitoring agents on the application server.
In the CPU Load chart, information about the available RAM is displayed.
The chart indicates how much processing the agents are doing at various times, allowing you to identify possible bottlenecks.
The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
In the Physical Memory Available chart, information about the available RAM is displayed.
By viewing the chart, you may get insights into processing power needed to conduct the load test. The chart options allow you to use the metric browser to select which agents to display in the chart.
Page Table
The Page Table section shows aggregated statistics and sums for various aspects of the page calls in the load test.
The table shows current values for each page.
Column | Description |
User | Number of active users. |
Page | Order and name of the page in scenario. |
Think Time (ms) | Defined Think Time in scenario. |
Average Time (ms) | Average response time per transaction. |
Average Size (bytes) | Average size of transaction. |
Passed Calls | Number of successful URL calls. |
Total Failed Calls | Number of failed URL calls. |
Soft Errors | Number of Soft Errors. |
Hard Errors | Number of Hard Errors. |
Pagers & URLs
In the Pages & URLs tab you can find detailed information about the page calls in the load test.
The tables can be filtered by location.
Open the Locations dropdown menu
Select the location to display
For each page, a table displays the returned components.
Icon | Description |
| Expand | Show details. |
| Order in the page sequence. |
URL | HTTP Method and URL associated with the error. |
Passed Calls | Number of successful URL calls. |
Failed Calls | Number of failed URL calls. |
Min/Max Respose Time | Lowest and highest response times. |
Avg. Response Time | Average response time. |
Soft Errors | Number of Soft Errors. |
Hard Errors | Number of Hard Errors. |
Size | Message size. |
Each row in the table can be expanded to display detailed information about the response times for the component.
Show Details
To show the component details:
Click Expand to show response time information.
The charts are displayed:
URL Response Time Over Time
As the name indicates, the URL Response Time Over Time chart displays a graph of the response times for the component over the duration of the test.
Average Response Time
In the Average Response Time chart, the times for applicable parts of the process are displayed, together with a combined average sum.
Hide Details
To hide the component details:
Click the Collapse
Runtime Settings
While a job is running, you can access the Runtime Settings and change them on the fly.
Setting | Description | Comment |
| Users | Number of virtual users. | You can only decrease existing users. Decreasing users to zero will stop the job when zero users is reached. |
Startup Delay | Time for Ramp Up to use when increasing number of users. | Applied when increasing user count after a previous decrease. |
Duration | Load test job duration. |
If you add a change while a previous change is still running, the processes will run in parallel.
Depending on whether ramping is aborted or not, and whether load generation is paused or not, some of these settings may not be available to change.
When scripts used in the load test contain User Input Fields, these can also be updated in real time.
Change Settings
You can change the Runtime Settings for any job that is currently running.
Change Runtime Settings
Start with a running job.
Click the Change Runtime Settings button
The Real Time Settings dialog opens.
Change settings as needed
Click Update Job Settings
Note: If you set the user count or duration lower than the original setting, the job will end prematurely.
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