Install / Uninstall ZT windows Installer Silently

Install / Uninstall ZT windows Installer Silently

Download the Windows installer from here https://apica-packages.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/current/zebratester/silent_installers/ZBA70B64.exe or https://apica-packages.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/current/zebratester/silent_installers/ZBA75A64.exe to a directory.


Then change to the directory where you have the installer downloaded and follow below steps

  1. Create a properties file like below screenshot and set the 2 properties INSTALLER_UI=silent &

    USER_INSTALL_DIR=C\:\\Program Files\\ZebraTester\\

2. Start the Command Prompt and execute the command like below

3. Wait till the installation completed (wait for few minutes) and then you can go to the installation folder that you have given in the installer.properties file and start the ZebraTester Console.exe

If you want to uninstall ZT silently , please do the following step


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