Install a new ZT version on Windows Server

Install a new ZT version on Windows Server


  • Uninstall the existing ZT exec agent service using the script UninstallExecAgentServiceWin64.bat . Run files UninstallZebraTesterServiceWin64.bat in case you also have the GUI/Controller installed.

  • Then go to the ZT installation folder and run the Change ZebraTester Installation exe file under the folder _ZebraTester_installation , this will uninstall the existing ZT version.

  • Restart is not a must after the uninstallation , but if you don't do restart please wait for a couple of seconds so that the uninstallation will clean up all the files , that have been copied as the part of the existing installation. Uninstallation won't delete any files that application created , for example .prxdat files or any config .dat files.

  • Now please start installing the new 64bit ZT exe or msi package.

  • After the installation is finished , install the services using the files installExecAgentServiceWin64.bat , InstallZebraTesterServiceWin64.bat

If you are installing ZebraTester 5.5F on Windows Server, you must add the following entry to your Windows environment variables:

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dos.name=Windows 7"

Otherwise the installation will fail with the message “Windows DLL Failed to Load”.


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