Scripts Manager
The Scenario Manager allows you to organize, administer, and test scenarios and import, export and create load tests from scenario files:
Add Group
The Add Group dialog allows you create a group and connect scenario files to it.
To access the import dialog:
Click the Add Group button in the scenario manager.
The dialog is shown:
Item | Description |
Group Name | Identifier for the group. |
Add files to group | Search for files to add. |
Only files not in groups | Exclude files already associated with a group. |
Add | Checkbox to include scenario file in the group. |
Name | Name of scenario file. |
Click Create
The group is created and files connected to it.
Edit Scenario
The Edit Scenario dialog allows you modify the properties for a scenario file.
To access the edit dialog:
Click the Edit button in the Manager Manage Actions column.
Column | Description |
File | Name of the scenario file. |
Description | Additional information about the scenario. |
Group | Scenario Scenario Group for display and sorting. |
Tags | Scenario Tags for sorting and management. |
Define Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are system operation criteria that define parameters the system needs to meet in order to be considered acceptable. Non-functional requirements can be set for Pages and Transaction response times in ALT. These can be compared to test results. In the Non-Functional Requirements dialog, you can add response time requirements for the pages and transactions in a scenario. The pages and transactions are automatically retrieved from the scenario file.
Meeting or failing to meet defined NFR’s will not affect whether the test passes or fails!
To add NFRs to a scenario, click the green “NFR” icon in the “Actions” column for the scenario you would like to edit:
The “Edit Non-Functional Requirements” dialog box will appear and allow you to define Target and Outer Boundary NFR’s.
Import Scenario
The Import Scenario dialog allows you to import scenario files of compatible types and add them to the project.
To access the import dialog:
Click the Import Scenario File button in the scenario manager
Item | Description |
Choose Files | Button opens file browser for local computer. |
Attach to Project | Project to associate the scenario with. |
Click Import
The file is imported to the project.
Input Files
With the Input Files dialog you can modify editable or replace input files used by a scenario.
If the scenario is configured to use input files and those files are editable, certain actions become available:
Icon | Action | Description |
| Edit | Edit the contents of the input file in the browser. |
| Download | Download the file. |
| Upload | Replace the file. |
Edit File
When the input file is of an appropriate type, you can edit directly from the user interface.
Edit file
To edit the inout file:
Start in the Input Files
Click Edit Input File
The file is opened:
Edit the file as needed.
Click Save
The file contents are replaced in the scenario.
Replace File
Click Replace Input File
The Replace Input File dialog opens.
Click Choose File
Browse to the file you want
Select the file
Click Open
The Replace Input File dialog is shown again, now with the file added.
Enter a Description for the file
Click Replace
The file is uploaded and replaced in the scenario.
Manage Scenario
Scenarios are displayed in tables, showing information about each script, and providing access to various actions.
Column | Description |
File Name | Name of the scenario file. |
File Type | Scenario file type (Scenario .class File / Scenario .prxdat File / Scenario .html File / Scenario .zip File). |
ZebraTester Version | Version of Apica's Zebra Scripting Tools the scenario is compatible with. |
Tags | Scenario Tags for sorting and management. |
Description | Additional information about the scenario. |
Created | Timestamp for when the scenario was created/imported. |
Last Modified | Timestamp for when the scenario was last changed. |
Actions | Buttons for Manager Manage Actions to perform on the scenario. |
| Check to select scenario for batch processing. |
The actions column contains buttons for any available actions you can perform on the scenario file. Unavailable actions are not shown.
Icon | Action | Description |
| Download | Save file to local computer. |
| Edit | Change scenario file Edit Scenario: Description, Group or Tags. |
| Delete | Remove the scenario file. |
| Run | Use the scenario file as a Loadtest |
| Edit Input Files | Modify included Input Files used by the scenario. |
Non-Functional Requirements | Modify Non-Functional Requirements for the scenario. |
The Search section contains tools for searching for and filtering out particular scripts.
Search for scenarios
To search for scenarios:
Enter a tag or search term in the search box
Enter other filter properties as needed:
File Type
Search results are displayed automatically in the main view as you change the search parameters.
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