macOS Preinstallation Instructions

macOS Preinstallation Instructions

Special Installation Instructions For macOS

A misinterpretation of a filetype will cause later macOS versions to require you to make one of the installation files executable. Here’s how to do it.

Note: [NNA] stands for the ZebraTester version number followed by the letter of that release. So, in the screenshots, in the filename ‘55Z’ stands for Version 5.5Z.





After unzipping the installation package there will be a ZBA[NNA].app installer file.

We need to Right-click that installer file and select "Show Package Contents"

In Finder, go into /Contents/MacOS and find the file “ZBA[NNA]”. Notice that it will be listed as a TextEdit.app document because macOS does not recognize it as part of an installation package. In this state, this will cause the installation to fail.

We need to take this one file and change its properties to be an executable file.

Open up a Terminal Window.

  • Write "chmod -R +x ".

From the Finder Window, drag the ZBA[NNA] file to the Terminal, after the line that started with chmod, so the line looks like the following:

chmod -R +x /Users/[username]/[path]/ZBA55Z.app/Contents/MacOS/ZBA[NNA]

  • Press Enter to make the file executable


Now go back to the folder where you unzipped the file.

Again, Right-click that installer file and select "Show Package Contents" and you will now see that the properties have now allowed this to change from a text file to an executable file.



Pre execution of the Installer file
Select the Open + Command (⌘) key before clicking and you should get a verification. That indicates this file was not signed with a certificate that Apple recognizes. This is OK.

Open it to start the installation process continued here.


For additional installation information, please see this article in our Apica Support Community.

For those interested in this in video format, there is a 2-minute video section on this process by Apica veteran, Doug McAfee here, starting at 17 seconds in, and is a part of a complete 10-minute installation instruction:


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