Report Generator Utility uses ALT Restful API to generate a report on scenario summary and transaction/page metrics in MS Excel format.
The report contains: Sheet Transaction/Page Summary Details:
This is a table where you can find a summary of a run scenario and information about every page/transaction in the scenario.
The report generator uses Java 11 . It can be downloaded at AdoptOpenJDK
To check Java version that is installed on your machine, run java -version
For example, on Window 10 and AdoptOpenJDK the output should be like this
PS C:\temp\e> java -version openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10, mixed mode)
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar 123
where 123 is Run ID of a completed job. On ALT Portal Navigate to Loadtest → Jobs and scroll down to Completed Jobs to find the Run ID.
Property file holds api.endpoint and api.token that is used for making requests to ALT Restful API.
It should be placed in the same directory with ReportGenerator.jar, be named and have content like this:
api.endpoint= api.token=98585B7D-1562-4FBC-9870-41F591C1XXXX
To get Token and Endpoint Navigate to API tab on ALT Portal
NOTE If the report generator is not able to find the property file it will suggest creating one:
PS C:\apica\alt-custom-report-generator\target> java -jar .\ReportGenerator.jar 123 Property file not found. Would you like to create a default property file? [Y/n] Y Property file has been generated. Please set proper api.endpoint and api.token
Different Options Available
or --properties
- custom property file, example
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar -p /path/to/property/file/ 123
or --output
- custom output report file, example
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar -o /path/to/output/file/filename.xlsx 123
or --api-endpoint
, -t
or --api-token
- ALT Restful API endpoint and access token, example
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar -t 98585B7D-1562-4FBC-9870-41F591C1XXXX -e 123
or --inseconds
- All the times will be in seconds
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar -t 98585B7D-1562-4FBC-9870-41F591C1XXXX -e 123 -S
or --pagemetrics
- Report based on Page Metrics
java -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar -t 98585B7D-1562-4FBC-9870-41F591C1XXXX -e 123 -S -P
NOTE if both endpoint and token are provided as parameters the property file is not needed. If only token or endpoint is provided the other will be got from the property file.
If you get:
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Please check that cmd line is valid (see examples above), you have enough permissions to run the tool and Java is installed properly.
Verbose mode
Usually, the report generator gives clear error messages so you can fix it easily, but sometime you might need to get detailed log. To run the report generator in verbose mode, pass a system parameter -Dverbose=true
before -jar
, example
java -Dverbose=true -jar ./ReportGenerator.jar 123