ASM scenarios support a custom command called insertPageBreak
. This command creates a new Page Break page break that separates different pages (which typically consist of multiple URL calls) from each other. The command expects one argument , the name/title of the page break, - a name - which will be shown on the Result Details page in ASM. Page breaks can be entered manually into scripts or automatically generated when recording web sessions.
For example, If the login portion of a web page sequence takes place over two or three HTML pages, the manual Page break Break could organize the set of HTML pages into a single group before the next logical page navigation - another Page Break. insertPageBreak
is typically only necessary if you need to set a custom title or if requests which are triggered as a result of Manual page breaks are helpful when requests triggered by executing multiple different commands all end up as part of the same step, and you wish there is a need to split these requests into multiple steps.
It is possible to disable automatic insertion of page breaks via the Edit Check settings. See https://apica-kb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ASMDOCS/pages/2134212678/Understanding+Browser+Check+Results#Page-Breaks-in-a-Browser-Check-Result for more information on page breaks.
Selenium WebDriver’s JavascriptExecutor
will wrap all JavaScript and evaluate it as an anonymous expression. Therefore, the “return” keyword must be used when executing JavaScript within the “Target” field in an ASM scenario. For example, the command browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.title
in Selenium becomes return document.title;
in an ASM Scenario.
If your Selenium IDE looks like the following:
for the following commands:
The following commands do not require the use of “return”:
For example, if you are trying to determine whether the result of the expression ${stored_var} > 0
Add a “return” keyword to the target so it looks like the following is true
, use the following code:
Command | Target | Value |
The following commands result in javascript evaluation or expect a javascript snippet as an argument. Therefore, they also require the use of “return”:
screenshot (supplemental text provided) shows an example in which JavaScript is being used to execute another check upon completion of the current scenario. Basically, the check kicks off another check when it’s finished.
Within the scenario:
Run execution log:
Javascript snippet:
Code Block |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', 'https://api-asm.apica.io/v3/checks/3393731/job?auth_ticket=${auth_ticket}', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
console.log('Success:', response);
} else {
console.error('Error:', xhr.statusText);
return "check ID 3393731 has been executed!" |
The “runScript” or “runScriptAndWait” commands could also be used with the above Javascript if the “return” statement is omitted.
Note |
Javascript comments are NOT allowed in the body of a Javascript snippet! |
Type & sendKeys
Even though the type
command works in most cases, Apica strongly recommends using sendKeys
instead of type
. The type
command edits the HTML format of the code, while the sendKeys
command attempts to simulate actual typing and is therefore able to trigger javascript code in fields.