Page Breaks in a Browser Check Result
Page breaks are taken in a browser check when there is a fulfill the need to separate different pages, typically consisting of multiple URL calls, from each other. They are used to organize the set of HTML pages into a single group before the next logical page navigation.
Page breaks are typically necessary if requests triggered by executing multiple different commands all end up as part of the same step, and there is a need to split these requests into multiple stepsinserted into a browser check result whenever a new page load is triggered during a user journey. Specifically, a new page load is triggered when the “Open” command, the “insertPageBreak” command, and any of the “…andWait” commands (e.g. clickAndWait) are used.
Page breaks are automatically generated and inserted by default when recording web sessions. There . However, there is an option to disable automatic page breaks in the Edit Check section. Page breaks can also be entered manually into scripts via use of the insertPageBreak scenario command