Proxy Recorder Settings and GUI Settings (Personal Settings Menu)
The “Personal Settings” menu allows you to configure non form-based authentication methods (NTLM, PKCS# 11, PKCS# 12 and DER/PEM based client certificates) and some SSL options for the proxy recorder which may be necessary in order to successfully record a Web surfing session. Furthermore, cascading the proxy recorder with another (outbound) proxy server of your company is also supported.
The PKCS# 12 file must first be loaded by using the Personal Settings menu. Also ensure that the certificate is active by clicking inside the red bar on the certificate. The red bar will change to a green check mark when the certificate is properly active.
Note: To execute a load test which uses client certificates, you must also enable the option PKCS# 12 Client Certificates in the Generate Load Test Program menu . The allocation of individual client certificates per simulated user is supported when generating load test programs.