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Now Supported by ALT also. 'New'

An execution plan in ZebraTester is designed to control VUsers, Test duration, Max loops per user and RampUp via a flat file, which contain instructions written in a simple scripting language, and have the file-name extension *.exepl.


//Aborting the test. If there is no eot statement then the test will stop when it reaches the MaxTestDuration



Running scenarios using execution plan in ALT:

(Make sure that the patch which supports execution plan is available in the agent used for the test which is ZT 7.0-B or higher)

In order to use execution plan is in ALT there are certain steps which needs to be followed and its outlined below:

  1. Create the execution plan exepl file for each script

  2. Now generate a zip which should consists of this exepl file. To do this, go to Project Navigator and select all the necessary files for the script along with exepl and click on ‘Zip selected files’ button


Confirmation message: created (4 entries)

3. Once the zip is created, upload the same to ALT portal as usual

4. Use -executionPlan ExecutionPlanName.exepl syntax in the Additional Options field as below so that the execution plan file can be considered during execution
