Understanding ZebraTester Check Results
ASM provides a useful interface for interpreting the results of a ZebraTester check. Many of the returned metrics are self-explanatory.
Result Message
The Result Message of a ZebraTester Check contains useful summarizing information. The following message is an example of a result message:
4 pages, 213/1 passed/failed url calls, 11,6 urls/sec, session/total throughput: 363,1/346,6 KB/s.
4 pages
- Of course, pages organize Browser Check URL calls into logical functions (such as navigating to a certain page). The number of pages in the scenario can be altered using ZebraTester’s native Page Break functionality.
213/1 passed/failed url calls
- 213 URL calls passed and 1 URL call returned an error message:
11.6 urls/sec
- the number of URLs which loaded per second.
session/total throughput: 363,1/346,6 KB/s
- metrics related to network throughput during the load test session.
Metrics Section
The Metrics Section contains useful information regarding ZebraTester metrics.
No. Request Roundtrips
is the number of requests which went out and returned a response.
Response time
is the sum of the response time of all the objects that were loaded during the execution.
Total Throughput
is a re-iteration of the total network throughput which is also reported in the check result message.
Total Url/s
is the number of URLs which loaded per second - in this case, 11.6 URLs per second (or 11,6 per second using the European comma).
Total loops
can be set within the Edit Check settings. Generally a check will only run with 1 total loop.
Elapsed Time Per Page
This metric simply shows the time each page took to run all its URLs and each page’s percentage of the total run time of the scenario.
10 Slowest URLs
See Understanding Browser Check Results | 10 Slowest URLs
See Understanding Browser Check Results | Errors
The following diagram explains the different metrics which are displayed in the waterfall for a ZebraTester Check result. These metrics, of course, are pulled from the ASM API.
Number on Diagram | Metric Name |
1 | URL Number |
2 | URL |
3 | Header Name (Key) |
4 | Header Value |
5 | HTTP Status Code |
6 | HTTP Method |
7 | DNS lookup duration (ms) |
8 | Connect duration (ms) |
9 | Send duration (ms) |
10 | Wait duration (ms) |
11 | Receive duration (ms) |
12 | Elapsed Time |
13 | Received Bytes |
In the above diagram, the metric in the top right, 3 795 ms, refers to the “Step Duration” of the check - the total amount of time it took all URLs on the page to finish loading.
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