New Relic Integration
The New Relic integration pulls additional metrics into the ALT platform, which can be accessed when you view the result of a load test. The New Relic integration essentially adds specific metrics into an existing load test result to build on top of the metrics which Apica provides. This allows for much easier correlation between the Apica Load Test and the New Relic platforms.
Setting up the New Relic Integration
To complete initial configuration of the New Relic integration, navigate to Setup > Integration Settings > New Relic Settings.
Click on “Add New Account” and provide a valid API Key along with the desired Account name. The “Is account Active?” check box should be checked. Press ‘Test API Key’ to validate the setup and wait for the confirmation dialog box. Click “Save” to save the setup.
Viewing/Adding New Relic Metrics
After you have configured the New Relic integration and tested the API key, you will see New Relic metrics integrated into your load tests. Navigate to the Jobs page ( Click on a completed job in the “Completed Jobs” section and click on the “New Relic” tab to see the metrics. See the image at the beginning of this article for an overview of the page.
The main data points you will want to access are the Metrics charts. Individual charts can be added using the “Add Chart” button.
When you click “Add Chart”, you have the option to pull metrics from your New Relic setup into your main chart.
You can also add tables which represent data in a more compact manner:
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