Versions Compared


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The navigation bar is an important aspect of the ASM platform. It allows users to easily find all of the features offered within ASM. This article provides an overview of the different pages which can be accessed from the top navigation bar.


Clicking on the ASM image to the left of the Overview menu item will always bring you back to the main Dashboard.



See Dashboards for more information.

The “Apica Panels” menu item allows users to view their configured Apica Panels instances. Apica Panels is a feature which allows users to integrate Apica data into Grafana dashboards for easier viewing; see Using the Apica Panels Dashboards for a complete overview of the feature. The “Apica Panels” menu item contains two sub-items: “Panels” and “About”.


Clicking the “Panels” link will bring you to the Panels page, on which you can see a high level overview of your Panels dashboards and open or delete an individual Panels dashboard.


The default Panels version available in the ASM SaaS portal is called “Apica Panels (v2)”. There are two major versions of Apica Panels; one version is based on Grafana version 4, and the other (Panels v2) is based on Grafana version 8. Apica Panels (v1) is only available to customers who had ASM Panels enabled before the major version change and have a need to maintain their older dashboards.



If you do not see “Apica Panels (v1)” on your dashboard, it means you do not have legacy Apica Panels configured on your account. Proceed with using only Panels v2 panels.

Clicking on the “About” sub-menu item will bring you to the “About” page, which provides a high-level overview of the Apica Panels feature.



The Tools section provides access to a number of different system features, such as Impersonate, API settings, Maintenance, Journal, Trace Route, and Messages.





Change the Check Result Status to this severity.

Set Value to NULL

Exclude the check from all calculations.


Remove the results.

Press Process Selected Records to remove the results.





List of check types.


List of checks of the selected type.

Check result Colors to include.


Start date and time for the period.


End date and time for the period.


Reload and update the table display according to settings.

Display records

The number of rows to display per page.


Search for checks by message text.


When queued, the maintenance task is visible in the Task table.


The table shows the result of applying the selectors.





Event Severity to include.


Start date and time for the period.


End date and time for the period.


Event description.


Customer account.


Involved user, if any.


The associated IP address for the event, if any.


Originating location.


Event Categories.


Involved check, if any.

Apply Filter

Reload and update the table display according to settings.





Event Severity.


Date and time when the event occurred.


Event description.


Customer account.


Involved user, if any.


The associated IP address for the event, if any.


Originating location.


Event Categories.


Involved check, if any.


The Traceroute tool allows you to easily run a Traceroute from any of our Apica Locations to any URL or IP address you choose.


The purpose of running a traceroute is to get an indication of which way traffic takes between a source and a destination. Traceroute sends test Packet with TTL values starting at 1. The resulting ICMP Time Exceeded messages are used to discover any devices (called "hops") forwarding the packets to the destination. For each hop, the response time is recorded to indicate transmission speed. Any detected failures or packet losses on the way are also the recorder and displayed to give an idea of the transmission quality.






[link="linkurl"]Link Text[/link]

Link Text


[b]Bold Text[/b]

Bold Text


[i]Italic Text[/i]

Italic Text

Bold and Italic:

[ib]Italic and Bold Text[/ib]

*Italic and Bold Text*


When you have been logged in, the Overview Dashboard will be displayed.

The first time you log in (before creating checks), this view may be mostly empty.

